Monday, January 5, 2009

Still restarting... and that's. O.K.... for the time being I will stay in this isolated little private format as I come up with the plan for how I want to invlove myself in the dialog and debate about what's what and all from here as Bary's new administration starts up and the Neocon Nutjobs and their various minions, lackeys, and kneepad torie (sic) sycophants throughout the kultchuh try and not only undermine his efforts (for the good of the few and at the expense of the many) but also see to it that the larger hope that Bary represents is never ever able to be meaningfully realized.
My own writing and blogging and advocacy efforts will be an attempt to support the ideas and efforts that are already out their or just out of frame at this point that, with a groundswell of further true progressive and radical organizing and work, could just maybe happen to get the significant fundamental core see change needed throughout the American society, economy, and political arena started, continued, and successfully achieved.
It is my heartfelt belief that Barack Obama's election is an indication that optimism for such needed change might truly be possible- but that all the work, organizing, effort, excitement and ultimately the amazing historic victory he achieved- all of that and his administrations efforts to get us on a different path than the one we have been lead down for the 60+ years since WW2 ended will be little more than a blip or a hiccup in the ongoing history of America's drift toward the right which reached hopefully it's scariest nadir with the 8 years of Sonnie Dubya and the defacto big honcho of the Neocons: Dick Cheney.
The global exploitive and extractive economic structures of power that they represent and then fairly successfully pass off as all of our vital national security interests and the foundations of what is providing us with "our way of life"- those structures are not going to go away or change their M.O. without the progressive grass roots pro social, economic and Democratic "left" in this country doing a lot more than just celebrating that Obama won and now things will get a little moderated by the Democratic majority's efforts in Congress. Before you know it the Neocons or near as nutty supporters of the Hard Right Business agenda will be back with a new champion- perhaps way more attractive and palatable to "mainstream" America than Bush-Cheney ever were (can anyone out there say "President Patreus (sic)?)" And when they come back trust that they will have all the Facebook and Myspace styled friends and funds organizing tools and operatives that the new "Obama Model" used so brilliantly this time around.
So all I am saying is that we the people cannot rest on the laurels of one mans brilliant victory.

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