Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wading in quicksand is more like it...

... Least that's the way she feels. I will get on with podcast/ general tech immersion in an ongoing manner from this moment on. I'm sure there will come a point when I will look back on these days of spinning my wheels- O.K., these decades then- and I will be laughing my ass off. But for now, look you now... I go pray...

Wading toward Podcasting Now...

... This seems like a no brainer for me to me. After all, I think one of the reasons I have never gotten any further with "the writin'" is not that I don't write but that I talk to damn much. So podcasting is a natural. Produce my own audio and eventually video podcasts relevant to all the myriad and miscellaneous crap that I consider to be part and partial to, "like, my work," and see where it leads. And this in conjunction with getting the new all around Web Presence, blogging, and advocacy efforts going again.

One of the many things that attracts me to Podcasting is that I already have everything I need to get started just about and it also seems to have potential crossover application to some of my old ideas about doing something with, like, my music.

So, for the purpose of me getting going on this and communicating with those I want to get involved in this and future parallel efforts I will Blog forth as I explore a couple of books and stuff I find around the Web regarding the process of getting started and then, gulp, actually starting to get this whole thing started that I am forever thinking and talking (ad nauseum) about getting started. See what I mean.