Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thinkin’ `bout blogs and blogging all my way down the road…

…Blogs have become so pervasive yet misunderstood that I feel the need to explain my own approach to why I am doing it my own self these days. I don’t want to get into a bunch of definitions or recount the history of blogs- although there are plenty of books on blogging out there now that do that and more.

I’ll just say that from the political side to what I want to do and be involved with the best resource I have found is Aaron Barlow’s The Rise of the Blogosphere, in which he describes and gives credence to blogging as already being and having considerable potential to become even more so the “New Free Advocacy and Organizing Press”. Barlow compares the new partisan bloggers as being the modern day parallels to the pamphleteers of Revolutionary Era America. Or as I like to aspire: to the Tom Payne’s and Sam Adam’s… to the real Democrats of that time.

That said, as I try to work past the kinks of my own getting started and eventually immersed in all of what my blogging and related Web Presence can become, I also can say that as a lifelong semi aspiring and yet uncommitted occasional writer the Internet in general and Blogging in particular have certainly created a new avenue to get around traditional gatekeepers and turned anyone who wants to into combination writer-editor-publisher with the click of a mouse or touch on a touch pad. As many would point out- with mixed results and varying kinds of quality and trustworthiness.

So I admit it: for now I am simply bypassing the traditional gatekeepers to me trying to “be a writer” and go forward as an admitted and proud to be partisan in the ongoing quest for “ a more perfect union,” or a greatly improved and perhaps almost revolutionarily transformed American Democracy. For more specifics on this see:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you... and I will watch and read... and link to you on my blog.