Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Laying low and working on for a few days...

...but I am also just checking out how Explorer works away from the nightmare that my home internet connection has become. Did anyone see the interview of John McCain flinching during an interview when the reporter questioning him gestured with his hands for effect while asking his question? I really think, with all the other issues being equal, that, protests about how young and fit and virile this guy tries to present himself that he is simply too freaking old to be President and that his candidacy is him "taking one for the team" and that should he happen to win he will just be the front man for the Cheney-Sonnie Dubbies Neocons who will remain highly operative in a next Republican Administration. Be very wary of the VP selection at the Re-Pube convention. It could be very telling about how serious the concerns at the highest levels of the Re-Pube leadership are about McCains health, competence, and likelihood of being genuinely "in charge" of a New Neocon Administration.

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