Saturday, February 23, 2008

This Post Nothing but "Links of Interest" with brief comment...

Soooo.... is obviously his eponymous site. This guy is the real deal and should be studied extensively. He also should be interviewed and his input and support solicited.

Then there is which, according to their "About Us" page is:
"Free Press is a national nonpartisan organization working to increase informed public participation in crucial media policy debates, and to generate policies that will produce a more competitive and public interest-oriented media system with a strong nonprofit and noncommercial sector."

And let's not forget which bills itself, again- taken from their own "About" page:
The Coalition is more than a million everyday people who have banded together with thousands of non-profit organizations, businesses and bloggers to protect Internet freedom.
The Coalition believes that the Internet is a crucial engine for economic growth and free speech. We are working together to urge Congress to preserve Network Neutrality, the First Amendment of the Internet, which ensures that the Internet remains open to new ideas, innovation and progress.
From its beginnings, the Internet has leveled the playing field for all. Everyday people can have their voices heard by thousands, even millions of people. The Coalition -- representing millions of Americans from all walks of life -- is working together to ensure that Congress passes no telecommunications legislation without meaningful and enforceable Network Neutrality protections.

Link to googlebooks preview of David L. Parker's "Stolen Dreams: Portraits of Working children"
which recalls a book I first came across at the Cleveland State libury back when I was doing some semi pro Ghost Poeting there back in the early Oughts- or maybe it might have even been way way back in the late stages of the those fabulous 90's. That one was Kevin Bales's "Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy" which had chapters on the various kinds of modern slavery that are out there and where.
I think that if an ongoing "Democracy Solidarity" movement is going to be built with various entities working toward more social, economic, political, and cultural Democracy then a modern day Abolitionist movement that adresses the most egrigiously inhuman abuses of NeoLiberal/NeoCon "Globalization" such as that presented in Bales' book is a logical one that could draw considerable organizational traction amongst your basic idealistic young and affluent Westerners.

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