Saturday, February 23, 2008

Getting closer to really getting this whole thing started all the time...

I had a chance to work a lot at my l'il yops this week so I went through some old notes and also worked on changes and updates to the dialogD Web Site. I still thind that when I am really moving forward with the effort in the "real world" I want a better name. But anyway...

There was an old Noam Chomsky book: "What Uncle Sasm Really Wants" from the early 90's or so- one of the little books ut out by Odonion Press then of Berkeley, which lead to many of todays "Links of Interest" over to the left there...

But Robert McChesney, whose name and work keeps coming up ever since I saw his book "Rich Media, Poor Democracy" back in 2000 or so. I've gotten his show on U of Illinois' AM radio station when coming back from visiting Mary and the kids et. al..

Anyway, all the links I put in my links of interest list are ones that should be contacted about somehow collaborating on the kind of organizing that needs to be done to actually effectively challenge the status quo of business and politics as usual as it is ever more harshly being executed by the ruling business hard right coalition that has been strengthening its hold on more and more for decades now- at least since Prop 13 passed in California in what- 1979 or 80. But really since the end of World War Two and the death of Roosevelt.

What I really found interesting and significant about Arthur Naiman and Odonian Press is that he and it, according to the Introduction to the little Chomsky volume I re-browsed yesterday is that they contributed at least 10% of all net income off their efforts to progressive scial activist causes. This is at the heart of what I think needs to happen. Those activists and organizations that are able, through their writing and other fundraising efforts, need to pay into some kind of "Voluntary Funding Tax to Further the Causes of a Confederation of Progressive Organizations Shadow Public Sector" which is what we need to be building and building quickly.

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