Monday, August 4, 2008

Lot's of guys and gals doing it (blogging, that is)...

... Plenty of gals doing it too, for that matter. Me, I took a little time off to reflect and kick back after another apparently failed attempt to recruit even one collaborating ally from my limited pool of like thinking- though not professional political activist- real people friends. So what does that mean. I am going to proceed as the way opens with my efforts. And I am going to work on getting more functional and coherent as I plow forth.

There are, after all, central core proposals and issues that are at the heart of what I am calling for and I do want to raise money to start some of the activity necessary for any of that to be going on in the "real world." I must say I am impressed by a lot of what I find in the Progressive literature out there. Books, blogs, organiziations that are trying to fight the good fight and so on- speak truth to power and all of that rot. Yet here we sit as the pendulum swing to the right has continued almost unabated now for a couple two tree generations now. And many people really fo believe it's too late. Check this out: and read about on some of the links. And this is basically the response I got from my Soolay Brother when I ask him to join me on a co-blogger here on this eponymous blog.

Still, it's the old dilemna: arms (or action anyway) against a sea of troubles or making our separate peace as Rome burns- or the polar ice caps melt at any rate.

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