Friday, August 22, 2008

Checking out more sites...

...and posting from me old lad's house. Sooo....... is one of the best "Old School" green and sort of agrarian populist pro "real" democracy with a big D Web Sites I have run across. And I'm talking so old school that I'm pretty sure it even pre dates Al Gore's inventing of the Web. is, as best I can cipher it, the risidual PAC that came out of Howard Dean's highly successful Web enhanced grassroots try for the Democratic Nomination for President in 2004. The site is obviously a Democratic Party front albeit a very progressive leaning attempt to pull the National Democratic party in the direction of better representing the interests of it's voting and constituent bases. I wouldn't mind the Democratic party if it did that. But it for the most part it hasn't as it has chased big money and the Strident Right in this country so far to the right that they are in effect simply an emasculated "Republican Light" "loyal Opposition" party in the age of the Neo Con Nut Jobs and in a mainstream climate of business and politics so far reactioanary and right wing that by the fiat of common wisdom about what's even allowed to be up for debate the actual interests of 60%-80% of the American Citizenry cannot be considered at all.

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