Thursday, July 3, 2008

Working on gaining that enigmatic traction...

Wednesday, July 02, 2008, 10:48 AM…

WiFi at Starbucks blows…

So who is surprised? There for fee T-Mobile kept superceding other attempts to connect to available unencrypted networks. Power to the largest player. Like always.

Now to some general edited and culled material that is perhaps appropriate for the dialogD and all related more personal Blog efforts.


7/2/2008 11:15 AM

Before getting to the gleaning of my recent writing it’s time to consider the “True Alternative Nature” at the core of what I am proposing throughout dialogD’s Blog and Web presences. A few points:

· In Cleveland, the two Weekly Independent Alternative Rags have recently announced a merger- or their parent mega alternative corporate parents did. So the Cleveland Free Times and Scene will finally be one all encompassing mega merged conglomeration of all things alternative. Yeah yeah yeah- right right right. The underground alternative scene has for the most part become so abysmally apolitical and just hipster dufus pop culture oriented that it’s minor political critique tones are by definition already marginalized and irrelevant. Just like the genuine outside the mainstream alternative progressive democracy movement is for the most part. So it’s not like the Alternative Media scene is the cause, or root of the larger problem.

· So if we are to develop alternative paths into our collective futures than those provided by International Global Corporatist Hegemony (and it’s political PR spun democracy subsidiaries) as usual we will have to do better in the next couple to twenty years of un-marginalizing legitimate alternatives as we have, say, since the Summer of `68.


And now folks, the edited gleanings…

5/16/2008 1:52 PM

A couple of idle ramblings now and I will be free somewhat for the weekend. Although one is never truly free when sharing one’s kitchen cabinetry with a Ratatouille wanabe.

A quote heard on NPR by some fellow in the know talking about the Internet and other digital media’s potentially revolutionary effect on Democracy with a big D:

“It’s 10:00 AM on the morning of the first day of that revolution…”

I will try my best to find out who said that and give credit when I quote him. And that’s where I think I come in. Web 3.0 Democracy Content, Advocacy, Organizing, Community Outreach, and Solidarity Building. (or will it ultimately be Web 4.0 or 5.0 by the time I get to consistent producin’?) But whatever, that’s the crux of my ticket.


The Name Game

Some possible renaming seems to be in order partly just because I am sick of “” and partly because I think the time for merely talk, or words, or books and articles- or collections of such is pretty much past. This has to be a convergence, a concilience thing, a solidarity movement in the real world around some of the content I and many many others put out or bring together… and in terms of my contribution in one place on my Blogs and related Web Presences.

So, naming possibilities:

· Alter-Blog

· Outside the Main Stream (OTMS) Alter-Blog


5/12/2008 10:24 AM

What I am doing now is gearing up for more of a June 1st or maybe even more officially a Fourth `O July serious enough launch to the Blogging/dialogD (hopefully with a new and better name for branding purposes by then) efforts that I see at that point as having a First Phase- or, perhaps better: Phase One- cycle that starts with the ramping up to the conventions and the eventual November General Election and then is in full stride as the decision on who will follow Bush the Younger into the Presidency and what the climate of the country, the Congress, and the economy all are as we move towards the Inaugural Gala Season and the new Presidents “First One Hundred Days”.

That gives me long enough to establish myself, make an impact, and hopefully have me on a “Path With Heart” into my personal future on multiple levels as I proceed apace “as the way opens” from here. And tis truly not all about making money from “all of this” but it is about trying to find a way for that aspect of life also to be taken care of in a way that is harmonious with me being “T-Bone at his best” and in harmony with my true inner nature and soul.



5/8/2008 11:58 AM

So ain’t it surprising, how time and ultimately life, just slip away. Listen to the blues, they’re playing. And listen to what the blues, are saying. (it’s Willie…)


5/6/2008 9:12 AM

So when it comes to my work I am fairly optimistic that I have gotten my thoughts together on writing and blogging and monetizing myself creatively for the ongoing “I don’t plan on retiring- from anything I do” stage of life as I get older from here assuming I don’t corpseded out all of a sudden and boom I’m over just like everybody else is over who is already, you know, like, dead and all.

Sooo… I am thinking that the key to my blogging is for me to be that guy who brings a specific revolutionary activist agenda to the liberal left blogging community and makes my own content the central driving aspect to the blogging I do. This crap about just being a parasitic commentator on the MSM and the mainstream politics and business as usual world is fine- and a big step in terms of regular citizens actually having a voice of any kind again- but that path is not in itself going to lead to any huge and needed and long overdue changes in that whole “Mainstream” power grid.

In any case it is “my blogging for democracy Web 3.0 (beta) convergence consilience space” thing that is going to make me my niche, and eventually that whole thing is maybe the only hope- if it can be harnessed and utilized- to actually mobilize a whole new kind of wide ranging and multi faceted movement.

In any case- I am positioned to do my thing on it somewhat over the next couple two tree months with the idea that it takes at least six months of producing to actually get noticed…


5/1/2008 9:21 AM

I have to say it’s up to me to find a better path and this summer is the transition time. Some reason to believe, be, and create on many levels. I need revival, I need rescue, I need the whole renewal package.


And of course the idea of making a palpable difference in the big picture issues is almost nil- and that is the reason, I think, that so many idealist activist types from those fabulous sixties ended up too depressed to drool as time passed and their delusions of grandeur became more blatantly ludicrous…

Sometimes I am right there- with Abbie and Phil and I don’t know who all else.


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