Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Jerry Brown interview of Noam Chomsky...

... well worth checking out even if it's a little dated and soooo, you know, like `90's:
http://www.wtp.org - I don't know if this link will work to the article I intend but if it takes you to the "We the people..." Web Site just click archives and it's the first article link on that page. Jerry Brown was a good politician and Governor of California. He was ruined by mainstream media and right wing smear as being Governor Moonbeam. His biggest sin was that he supposedly flip flopped on Prop 13 (incidentally a watershed occurrence in the hijacking of American Democracy by the hack kneepad Tories that have lead us to the Rove-Bush Cheny and their cronies regime) because as governor of California when it was rammed down a hoodwinked and property taxed to ruin middle class's throat by a well funded media ad campaign Jerry Brown then tried to make state government and services work as well as possible in spite of the devestating effects of the Bill. (he had of course opposed the Bill as it was making it's way eventually to the ballot initiative that ended up making it the law of the Golden State)

One of the stories that circulated in the aftermath of Prop 13 was that the year before it was enacted Bank of America was the largest property tax payer in the state of California. In the year after it passed BofA's tax bill had allegedly plummeted to a mere $0.00. So... anyone out there have the truth of the matter.? Might have just been colloquial populist hyperbolization, I know- but one way or another the anti tax-dereg-get g'uvnment off our backs "Big Boys" had bullied a huge win and gained a lot of momentum that only continued with the Reagan "states rights" oriented win of the Presidency the following year- 1980.

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