Monday, July 21, 2008

A conundrum wrapped in mystery posing as an insoluble dilemna...

...and that's the problem of what do we do about the best and the brightest when a huge bulk of them are, one way or another, serving as one kind of functionary or another in the current mainstream business as usual Neoliberal "New World Order."

Or something to that effect. And let's face it- part of the reason for that is that the way of the world is what the way of the world is. Which is another way of saying "Salga lo que Salga," or loosely translated "go what goes". Or for more of the song type of reference that I like so good: "Que serra serra..."

Obviously, a lot of people are doing great things and admirable work outside the mainstream and they are dedicated to peace, social justice, and economic Democracy. But in order to attract more talent and strength to that kind of endeavor we have to develop more viable livelihoods to the cause of our ongoing "Great Work." ( And in the mean time, we have to make an appeal to the "Best and the Brightest" who would in fact join in the effort of doing that kind of Great Work but unfortunately most of the quality livelihoods "out there" to be earned and had are working for the aforenetioned "New World Order".

So check out and please make some suggestions on how to create more and more employment opportunities for not only them- the current crop of the so called "Best and the Brightest"- but also everybody else- especially those at the other end of the economic spectrum and most especially among them young people who do not have the opportunity structure they should and that mddle class or better affluent Americans pretty much take for granted.

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