Monday, July 7, 2008

Another week of seeking some traction… yeah traction… that’s the ticket…

Blog posts for Monday, July 07, 2008, 6:35 AM.

I realize as I get to this second week of me at least trying to actively participate in the Blogging process that the very purpose of what I am attempting is daunting. And I have a hard time just getting past the shore break of turbulence and undertow that are right there all the time (real or imagined) at the point of “just wading in”. I think if I can just fight through the resultant feelings of fear, insecurity, and insignificance that I might be able to get “out there,” to where I can start to just be doing it and not worrying about how I’ll seem or look once I’m doing it.

And now from previous days and times…

Now it’s The 4th Of July…

… that marked the official relaunch for my Web Site and Blog efforts. Between now and the November 3rd, 2008 U.S. election we will be celebrating the end for now of the Neocon Bush Cheney two term fiasco. Of course the two stars of the administration, Old Dick and Sonnie Dubbies can’t come back personally to haunt us (at least not as public figures leading the Executive Branch of our supposedly Democratic government almost exclusively on behalf of their upper echelon corporate executive class capitalist cronies)… but if serious re-democratization of our entire society, culture, and economy doesn’t begin in earnest with this Presidential election season then I fear the Neocon Nutjobs could be back- and possibly even scarier, worse, more harmful to America’s and the world’s people than even these guys have been. And that’s saying a mouthful.

So my plan for the Blogging and the political activism is to do a formal relaunch- maybe with a new main name (“dialogdemocracy” is kind of dry and not all that catchy don’t you think?) but I will worry about minutia like names once I am really operating semi efficiently on actually just doing this thing on a consistent basis and seeing where that leads.

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